Donate Now!

Donation Disclaimer
All monies generated by fundraising efforts through the Save the Palace Theatre Committee, and/or the website and/or are received in the “Save the Palace Theatre” bank account at Elmwood Community Bank are for the restoration and rebuilding of the Palace Theatre in Elmwood, IL. If Reynolds Theatres is not able or willing to restore or rebuild the Palace Theatre in Elmwood , IL , all monies through this effort will be donated to the tornado restoration efforts for the City of Elmwood , IL through the Elmwood Community Foundation.

Donate Online

Click the ‘Donate’ button below to donate online:

You do NOT need a PayPal account to make a donation.

After you click ‘Donate Now’, look for this copy on the page:

The above picture appears on the page, after you click the 'Donate' button. The picture above is a visual aid.

Be aware that every donation, PayPal takes 2.9%.

Mail In Donations

Make the check payable to:

Save The Palace Theater

And mail the check to:

Elmwood Community Bank

P.O. Box 717

Elmwood, IL 61529

Save The Palace!