Palace Theater Returns To Elmwood

Well, it’s hard to believe it’s been more than a year than the tornado ripped through downtown Elmwood, but it’s been a remarkable recovery, to say the least.

The Palace Theater opened to the public on July 29th, 2011 with a showing of the movie, “Cars 2″. The previous Wednesday was a special screening for people who donated, as well as those who helped in the re-construction effort. And the night before that was a special presentation for the group of people who were actually inside the theater, when the tornado hit.















Just to make sure you haven’t forgotten how bad the theater was hit, here are some reminders:

Related posts:

  1. Illinois Historical Preservation Agency To Review The Palace Theater
  2. ADA Representative Approves Palace For Restoration
  3. Palace Offering A Brick Or Seat With Your Name On It
  4. Construction To Start December 6th
  5. Committee Formed And Other Updates